Photo Credit: Rich Bender
Hello! I’m Justin Hoch and I’m a photographer, journalist, and artist.
Most of my time is spent covering Olympic wrestling at the senior level, traveling around the world to tournaments, making portraits, and doing documentary work behind the scenes. The work reveals a ton about humanity and the way we structure our lives. Politics, live performance, events, and portraiture round out my primary coverage areas.
In all I do, my goals are to make other people’s experiences better and leave things better than I found them.
If you think I can help you with your photographic needs, reach out: justin@jhoch.com | 607.624.5634
Thanks for stopping by.
Professional Affiliations
- Member – National Press Photographers Association (NPPA)
- Member – National Wrestling Media Association (NMWA)
- Member – International Network of Wrestling Researchers (INWR)
- Member – American Society of Magazine Editors Next (ASME)
- Contributor – American Photographic Artists (APA)
- 2022 American Photographic Artists Los Angeles Off The Clock – Selection
- 2020 Eddie Adams Workshop XXXIII
- 2019 Wrestling Insider Newsmagazine’s Journalist of the Year
- 2018 Binghamton University Wrestling Program Young Alumni Award
- 2016-17 National Wrestling Media Association Photographer of the Year
- 2021 October: Online. Where’s Your Head At?: A Day in the Life of Alejandra Romero Bonilla. Online group collection. Curated by Maria Lau as a result of the Back to the Lab peer support group created during the Covid lockdown. WYHA co-led by Marko Jokic.
- 2021 August – October: Poughkeepsie, New York, USA. In Good Company. Site-specific group exhibition at The Nancy Willard and Eric Lindbloom Artist-Run Project Space. Curated by Christine Callahan and Sasha Louis Bush. (Installation photos)
- 2019 March – April: Kingston, Pennsylvania, USA. The Fire Inside: Wyoming Seminary Edition. Solo show in the Rusty Flack Art Gallery in the Kirby Center for the Creative Arts at Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School.
- 2018 November: Binghamton, New York, USA. The Fire Inside. Special exhibit accompanying the main event celebration for the Binghamton University wrestling program’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.
- 2018 July: Waterloo, Iowa, USA. The Fire Inside. Special Exhibit at the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Museum.
- 2017 August: Paris, Île-de-France, France. The Wrestler’s Aesthetic. Group show displaying work from both the Matches and Fire Inside projects at AccorHotels Arena.
- 2016 December – 2017 February: New York, New York, USA. Matches. Solo show at La Maison d’Art.
- 2016 June: Los Angeles, California, USA. The Wrestler’s Esthetic. Group show displaying work from the Fire Inside project at Angel City Brewery.
Trainings & Seminars
- 2022 Northern Short Course
Partial Client/Publication List
Adelphi University, Alternet.org, American University, Beat the Streets Los Angeles, Beat the Streets New York, Beat the Streets Philadelphia, Binghamton University, Bleacher Report, Camp AmeriKids, The Colony Club, Daily Kos, Daily Press, The Dirty Blondes, Ego Actus, ESPN, Flo Wrestling, Flux Theatre Ensemble, Gotham City Wrestling, The Hudson Union Society, Intermat, Garry Kasparov, Kofi Annan Foundation, Madison Square Garden, Miami New Times, NBC Nightly News, NibMor, New York Daily News, New York Times, New York University, No Kidding? Me Too!, PBS.org, The Princeton Club, The Russian Tea Room, Salon.com, The Seeing Place Theater, Slate.com, Sony Pictures Classics, Stages on the Sound, Theatre Communications Group, United World Wrestling, USA Wrestling, Vice.com, Wikipedia, WIN Magazine